
Parish Council Meeting – 13 May 2020

Obviously we are in difficult times at present and everyone is having to do things differently and this includes the Parish Council. We cannot hold traditional meetings for the foreseeable future, so we are intending to hold them virtually, starting on Wednesday 13 May at 6.30pm with the Parish AGM. The virtual meetings will be live streamed via the Parish Council’s Facebook page which can be accessed here. This will enable the public to view the proceedings.
The Parish Council agenda has a section at the start of the meeting for public participation. This is an opportunity for the public to ask questions or raise matters of local concern. This would under normal circumstances, be done by attending the meeting in person. Given the current situation however this is not possible. If you have any matters you wish to raise under public participation, please email them to the Parish Clerk at or in writing to Manor Cottage, 114 The Green, Hasland, Chesterfield S41 0JU. Any items submitted will be raised at the meeting and a written response will be provided. Any questions or concerns should be received by 12 noon on the day of the meeting.