Chapman Lane
The Parish Council has been notified by the County Council of the closure of Chapman Lane Grassmoor from its junction with the B6038 North Wingfield Rd for a distance of 35 metres in an easterly direction from 17 February to 17 April to facilitate sewer works on the B6038 North Wingfield Rd.
The alternative route is Chapman Lane (from point of closure), Norfolk Avenue, B6038 North Wingfield Road Grassmoor and vice versa. To view the full closure order please use the following link.
Wingerworth Street
The Parish Council has been notified by the County Council of the closure of Wingerworth Street Grassmoor from its junction with the B6038 North Wingfield Rd for a distance of 30 metres in a westerly direction from 17 February to 17 April to facilitate sewer works on the B6038 North Winfield Rd. The alternative route is North Wingfield Road, Mill Lane, Frederick Street, Wingerworth Street (to point of closure) Grassmoor and vice versa. To view the full order use the following link.