
Parish Council Meeting – 10 June 2020

The next Parish Council meeting is to be held on Wednesday 10 June commencing at 6.30pm. The meeting will be conducted on a virtual basis and a live stream can be viewed from the Parish Council’s Facebook page. At the start of the meeting there is a 15 minute public participation agenda item where local residents can raise queries with the Council. Under normal circumstances this would be done in person at the meeting. However, we are obviously in different circumstances at present. If you would like to participate directly in the virtual public participation session, please contact the Parish Clerk on the contact details below before 6pm on Tuesday 9 June. Alternatively, if you would like to submit a question or query in writing, please do so by 12noon on the day of the meeting. You will if possible receive a response at the meeting and also in writing.

Roy Ackrill

Manor Cottage, 114 The Green, Hasland, S41 0JU
